eCommerce Websites
& Online Marketing

Is your website up to the standards set forth by major search engines? We will run a site audit for you free of charge!

eCommerce Website Design and Marketing

Many things in the modern age are going online. From social media, to banking, even the way we buy things. In fact, if you are interested in Ecommerce, or are already involved, you may be familiar with this. Ecommerce is a store that is entirely online. No brick and mortar, only websites. This is much more common than one would think, and in fact, is gaining popularity. A vast amount of shopping is quickly moving online with the convenience of being able to buy things without leaving the house. In this way, some people see no reason to have an actual shop, but rather, to do things by way of Ecommerce. We at The Digital Intellect are able to market Ecommerce for you in a researched, and extremely effective way.


Marketing Online, for Online

Online marketing, or digital marketing, is essential to Ecommerce. We at The Digital Intellect want to help you with everything involved in this process. From website design to getting your brand out there we have it all. In fact, brand design is much more than creating a cool logo. What is your business’s personality? What separates you from other companies? This is all a part of marketing. We will create a brand that fits your company’s style, as well as what you target audience is looking for, and appeal to that. This is done through logos, social media strategizing, and making your brand an online personality. This is something your customers can recognize, and welcome. Not only is it entertaining and interesting, it lets them get to know you. No longer are you a vague internet ad, but now a friendly face offering assistance. Along with this, we are committed to keeping up with the trends in online marketing for your Ecommerce. This involves PPC marketing, SEO, and various other technological techniques that can take your company to the next level. All of this is provided with an analytics report, so that your marketing strategy is not stagnant, but learning and growing.
Local SEO
Local SEO

Designing Your Webpage

Your webpage is your customer’s first impression of you. Since there is no actual location, it is important to make sure your customer has a pleasant experience when they first visit your website. Since there is no actual store, Ecommerce sites tend to be very confusing, slews of tabs and microsites for all different kinds of products. If your webpage is not only straight-forward, but also aesthetically pleasing, then your customers will not have a pleasant experience. We at The Digital Intellect will scope out your business and target audience to determine what kind of business you are. Through this, we will create a user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing webpage. What this means is that your customers will have a pleasant experience visiting your website, spend more time there, and provide more profit for you. If you are interested in anything discussed above, we would love to help you. The Digital Intellect wants to look out for you and your business, so that we can do more together.

Why Choose The Digital Intellect for Your SEO Services?

The Digital Intellect is a full-service agency. SEO is just one aspect of what we offer in terms of digital marketing. While we are experts in driving results through SEO, we are also experts in PPC (pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, and website design and development.

If you are looking for an agency that knows how to drive results, TDI can be of service to you. If you have any questions regarding SEO campaigns or how TDI can help you or your business, give us a call today.

Get a FREE Website Audit

The overall health of your website is a major factor in how well you rank in the search engines. Do you know your current rankings and if your website is up to the standard that major search engines want to see?

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